When I met this Hooch Bag, her name was Brenda. And let me tell you she was full of badness -- booze, pills and...never you mind. Why, it's a wonder she wasn't locked up in the clinker for all the naughtiness she's played part in. But mysteriously, she had a change of ways when it was decided that she was to become the gift of a five-year-old. She went into the Hooch Bag Protection program, changed her name to...well...I can't say, and has transformed herself from a bawdy old bag into a shimmery example of sweetness.
If you'd like a Hooch Bag -- either naughty or nice -- for a special occasion or gift, email me at theelegantthrifter@gmail.com.
Always Frugal, Always Fabulous!
The Elegant Thrifter
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